

A key benefit of owning your own business is choosing your working hours

That was probably a big draw when you started out. Chances are, you planned to spend less time in your business and more time with your friends and family. Then reality kicked in and you found yourself coming in earlier, staying later, and taking work home with you on the we...
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Need More Time - top tips

August 23, 2022

There are 1,440 minutes each day

We all have the same 1,440 minutes each day, but some of us achieve so much more than others. We cannot create more time but what we can do is free up time to help lead a better business and ultimately achieve a happier life. How can we do this? by eliminating the top 10 tim...
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The Achiever Matrix

August 9, 2022

Do you spend all your time firefighting in your business?

Many of the fires being tackled can be put out by concentrating on doing the right things at the right time.The achiever matrix is a great tool to help you work on the right things.The Achiever Matrix is made up of four quadrants and helps you prioritise tasks based on their...
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Your business must deliver your definition of success

If there’s one positive to take from the events of the last two years, it’s the opportunity to consider what’s important. For those of us in business, it’s important to redefine our plan and goals that ensure the business delivers our definition of success. The natur...
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